
Many of our properties were built before the increase in car ownership and in some places, there is very little space for on-road car parking. We recognise that most households now own one or more cars and will encourage off-road parking where it is possible, subject to the following conditions:

  • Vehicles should not be parked in the front or back gardens of our properties unless they are parked on a properly constructed hard standing with a dropped kerb. (Correct permission is required from us and Shropshire Council planning).
  • Do not park on pavements, footpaths or grassed areas, you can be recharged for damage caused to these areas.


If you want to create a drive, hard standing, or vehicle access (dropped kerb), you must get our written permission first and you must also apply to Shropshire Council Highways department for vehicle access (please note there is a fee payable to highways for this).

Parking in our car parks is shared parking and no resident has a reserved parking space or a right to park in a certain spot.

Disabled parking spaces are for the use of Blue Badge holders only.

Parking areas should NOT be used for the following:

  • the frequent repairing of vehicles and/or parking un-roadworthy, untaxed or abandoned vehicles.
  • storing of large vans, lorries, boats, trailers or caravans (without first gaining our written permission).
  • parking of vehicles with a Statutory Off Road Notice (SORN) without our written permission.


 If you notice a vehicle abandoned on your street, please contact West Merica Police on 101 with the car registration number and street name.