Tenancy Agreement Consultation / Changes

Frequently asked Questions

When did the consultation take place?

All tenants were consulted via letter between 26th November 2018 to 2nd January 2019, and following the service of the Preliminary Notice of Variation.

Why are you changing the tenancy agreement?

We last updated the agreement some time ago and we need to bring it up to date to meet current legislative requirements. We also want to make some changes to the terms and conditions (these are outlined in ‘List of proposed variations’ sent to all tenants).

Will these changes affect the security of my tenancy?


Will these changes affect my rent?

The changes to the Tenancy Agreement will not affect the amount of rent you pay.

Does this mean my tenancy has ended or will end?

 No. the date you started your tenancy will remain the same. Your tenancy will not end and will continue with new conditions.

Will I still have the Right to Buy?


Do I need to sign the tenancy agreement?

No signature is needed.  The variation to your tenancy agreement will automatically take effect on Monday 4th November 2019 you do not have to do anything. On the above stated date the new conditions of tenancy will be substituted for the existing conditions.


Where can I see the new Tenancy Agreement?

 The new Tenancy Agreement is available for inspection on our website at www.starhousing.org.uk and at your local Council office.

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